Tuesday, March 29, 2005

We are back after our big busy weekend. D'Arcy did his first busking. He performed 'Black Kids of Australia', and got a good response - got some money - and was pretty happy with himself. Later he busked again with his dad, same song, and then built a massive tower of polystyrene boxes in good street theatre style. We went to listen to Johnny Huckle (who sang the song of the moment) and D'Arcy sat and listened for a while. Otherwise he got pretty bored after a few songs, so we didn't go to many gigs. D'Arcys favourite thing at the festival was the travelling glass roadshow from the Corning Museum of Glass, where you could watch artists from Australia and the US doing their amazing thing. He got to see his friend Ellie who has just moved to Melbourne and was up here with her parents, and meet new friends. All up he had a good time! Didn't go over the top on chocolate either.

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Friday, March 25, 2005


Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
The cheap digital camera is so weird to use that it is hard to actually frame a shot properly. Of all the ones I took yesterday, this is the best framed, and tragically out of focus...well, what exactly did I expect for $24.95?


Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Not sure what the concerned look is about, but it is kind of cute.


Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Most photos of the lovely fellow look like this these days...

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

OK, so I've now enabled comments on this....

We put on a show for some of his toys today, which consisted of making a collage and telling the related story, taking turns to add a line each....
"Once upon a time Goldilocks was walking. Suddenly when she was walking it became night." It went on for some time with a massive thunderstorm, Goldilocks getting lost, and then returning home with the help of a "kind lady" to find that her parents had gone to the supermarket, and were perhaps even dead on the floor. What is it with the obsessing about death? It all turnd out fine in the end, they weren't dead after all. The collage Goldilocks has a suede leather head with a big square mouth drawn on, and arms and legs made of feather wool sprouting directly from the head. I love that phase of human representation.

What else is new? The ability to play simplified 20 questions. We limit it to animals, but D'Arcy can do both ends of the game, although guessing is slightly easier for him. He hasn't quite learned the with-holding of information skills necessary for being the one who has the item in his head. Most of the target animals come from 'The Lion King' (thank you Mr Disney) but he can usually guess pretty fast, even if they are outside that parameter.

I managed to take some photos today with D'Arcy's digital camera ($24.95 from some little auto shop in MN - what was it called?) but they are pretty blurry and I'm not totally sure how to do all the Flickr stuff yet...I'll get to them soon. And now, as usual, it is LATE, and I am buggered.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


Well, with the absence of the digital camera, we are left with text updates for the time being, so here goes.

D'Arcy sings
"We are black kids of Australia
We come from ancient culture
Called Yurabwridgee.
Today our culture's growing
We're glad to say it's so
So let's all stick together,
Let's not let it go"

Credit and apologies to the wonderful Johnny Huckle...
D'Arcy's version is reasonably true to the original, with some word changes. I think that his word "yurabwridgee" is Wiradjuri, but I haven't fully investigated it yet. He is very interested in indigenous cultures from all around the world, so we do a lot of talking about culture and diversity. A few weeks ago he was a Native American called Ben. This week he is a dinosaur (iguanadon) called Neera. What you see is what you get with a four year old.

Sadly, but also amusingly, some of his favourite utterances are pretty scary. One of the pre-school staff took Nick aside the other day and said "we're a bit worried that D'Arcy has been saying 'fucking hell' and 'for fuck's sake' a lot". Can't imagine where he got that from.

His main aim over the next week is to make himself sick from eating chocolate, "like I did last year" (he can remember that???), so I'm trying to figure out how to aid him in this endeavour, without having to clean up afterwards or deal with the sugar crash.

Well, I'd best get off to bed now so that I can be bright and early to collect him from Nick's house.

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