Thursday, February 23, 2006

Quotes from school

Jumping Castle
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Dylan, do you want me to tell you what happens at school?

Sometimes you have to play on your own.

You don't get to see the teachers very much

The teachers don't have to tell you when it's inside time 'cos there's a bell that goes [klaxon]hoot[/klaxon]

I picked D'Arcy up at lunch time on Wednesday last week, and when he saw me he ran across the quadrangle and launched himself into my arms. *sigh*

I don't want to go to school, I'm too sick
Most days he says this. Most days I say "nonsense" and send him on his way. I'm so hard.

Campbell gave it to me
Except that Campbell didn't give it to him. Campbell gave to the teacher to mind, who put it on the edge of the whiteboard, where D'Arcy liberated it, and brought it home.

I'm going to be a teacher. It's more fun than being a kindy
Goes without saying really. He's still profoundly disturbed at the disappearance of the teachers at recess and lunch. His solution is to find whichever teacher is on playground duty and hang out with them, and help them. He may never get over this one, but I hope he starts hanging with a peer group soon. Actually, maybe I hope he doesn't. I don't know, It's all confusing.

We did go to play at a friend's house on the weekend, which was fun. The boys had fun, and so did the mums. It's a weird dynamic though, meeing new people and becoming friends with them, not because you've chosen them, but because your child has chosen their child. I guess it's a bit like being a child, where you don't alwys choose your own friends, but there are some friends you have 'cos your mums are already friends...

We're off to the circus tonight. We were supposed to go on Sunday, but there was a mishap with the human cannonball, requiring hospitalisation, so the Saturday and Sunday perfomances were cancelled. With any luck D'Arcy will have a disco nap and not fall asleep half way through.

Today's photo was taken by the beloved on his new (wanky) Palm treo, and i didn't have a chance to crop it, sorry, but I like the wierd cartoon figure on the right. The jumping castle was outside the massive new hardware store where we went on the weekend.


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