Monday, October 02, 2006

Gardens with Magpies

Gardens with Magpies
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
So we've been doing a lot of gardening lately, getting ready for putting vegies in. Here is one of the three beds, now full of what I hope will be good dirt. Those of you who are from round here will know how much magpies love to help in the garden, and here are three of our locals. They've been scaring the crap out of the beloved - he knows they swoop - with their antics, bombing each other in our huge tree, and then coming down to see what there is to be had in the new garden beds. I did get cranky with one when he tried to eat a small brown skink that I'd disturbed with my digging around, and I had to reprimand him for that.The skink dropped its tail (as they do) and the magpie had to be content with it. They have been a high point of my life the last few days (I'm easily amused), and very good gardening companions in general.

* I edited this for truth, clarity and to add the Wiki magpie link that I thought some of you might fine interesting. I recommend listening to the audio of the magpie song at the bottom of the Wiki page.


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