Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Science Project pt X

Avocado seed
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Here is the avocado seed, as it is now. I repotted it in Jan, before we went to the US. You can see that the leader has become two leaders. The bloody possum ate the top off the main stem, causing it to branch. This bit of the garden is the "cool mossy bit" where I have everything that is in pots in the summer, and everything that is frost tender in winter.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

"And after the rain..."

"And after the rain..."
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Ampersand Duck suggests "Remember to Breathe" posts. Here is my effort. I saw this yesterday afternoon, and if you look carefully, you can see the double rainbow in the top left corner...

Sunday, February 18, 2007

The Pelican of Love

Some recent art work, in two phases - as in "here mum, take a photo of this pelican" {later} "here take another photo, I've put more on"

Bloody hell, I can't figure out how to get the formatting right here, without deleting and starting again. Any advice anyone? I uploaded the photos through Blogger directly so that I could get more than one in the same post, unlike with Flickr...and I chose the 'left' margin option. Bugger. Actually, I've fixed it in a dodgy kind of way, but only by putting in lots of space, rather than fixing the code. I gotta get me some html smarts. The problem was that I had the first part of the text bleeding down the side of the right hand photo.

And while we're on non-D'Arcy matters, why is it that my feminine hygiene products exhort me to "have a happy period"? I suppose it's 'cos I bought them in the US. On the upside, they are not scented, which is a good thing. Here, even the ones that claim not to be scented are, and that is no fun at all. If I wanted to smell all weird and flowery, I'd much rather do it my own way.

Friday, February 16, 2007


Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
So D'Arcy got a haircut yesterday. He asked his stylist to give him a mohawk. "Sure" she said. The beloved pointed out that it is more of a fauxhawk, but D was happy. Somehow he's made the tendons in his neck stick out in this photo, so it makes him look really skinny, even more than usual. Just one in a series of silly facial expressions for photos.

In other news, he's back at school. This year is grade 1. He's not thrilled with the whole idea, and we've had a lot of "I don't want to go to school today" or "I'm sick, and I need a day off". Admittedly, he has had a cold this week - we had a cold snap last weekend and lots of people around us now have colds - but I'm a mean mummy and made him go to school. Actually I got "you're the meanest person I know" today, which was a first.

The Dash T-shirt came from the US - I stumbled across the Disney store in Chicago when I was trying not to get my eyeballs frozen, and they had Pixar T-shirts on special, so he got Buzz and Woody as well. Before the haircut he and his dad found that they could plaster his hair with product and he looked just like Dash, which was good. All we need now is the stick on mask.

Friday, February 09, 2007

And here is the baby

And here is the baby
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
Baby Mukluk, the beanie husky.

Bugger. I've been messing with things in Flickr which included deleting the copies of the two photos that I originally used for these posts (I'd mistakenly uploaded multiples, and when deleting, got them mixed up. So the upshot is that the posts are now in the wrong order, and I can't figure out how to swap them in Blogger. Annoying.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Shh, you'll wake the baby

Shh, you'll wake the baby
Originally uploaded by Crit Chicken.
A couple of older photos here that I didn't get to blog before I went away. The beloved had given D'Arcy a 'do not disturb' sign from a hotel room to hang on his door knob. D had often commented that he thought it should say "Shh, you'll wake the baby" so he modified it himself. Then of course, he needed a baby. See post below.

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